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Psoriasis Treatment Is Necessary To Heal the Infected Skin

Psoriasis Treatment Is Necessary To Heal the Infected Skin

Psoriasis is an incurable disease which requires Psoriasis Treatment to make the condition better. It appears on the skin in the form of red scales and patches which can irritate, burn or give pain to the patient. Usually the disease attacks on trunk, legs arms, scalp and nails. The most sensitive area for this disease is elbows and knees.

Symptoms of Disease

The signs and most visible symptoms are different from person to person; however, one of these symptoms may affect the patient:

  • Stiff joint and swelling
  • Soreness and burning
  • Ridged nails and thickened patches
  • Cracked and dry skin, which bleed as well
  • In children, small red colored scaling spot
  • Patches on skin with silvery scales

The patches of this disease can infect a small area or can cover a great part of the body. In mild cases, nuisance is felt by patient. However in severe cases disfiguring, itching and painful conditions can be seen. In most visible kinds of Psoriasis, the disease works in the form of cycles. A patient suffers due to this disease and gets better after completion of the cycle. It is more dangerous that the disease returns back in most of the cases.

How to Treat Psoriasis?

Though Psoriasis Treatment has different kinds but the nature of treatment depends on 4 basic factors. These are as follows:

  • The nature of disease, serious of mild
  • Size of the infected skin
  • Kind of Psoriasis
  • What is the reaction of patient body against a certain treatment?

Usually all treatments are not effective for everyone. Doctors select specific treatment according to the condition of the patient. If one treatment does not give proper result, the consultant may switch to another treatment.

Treatments for Cure:

Topical Treatment

This treatment is applied on the skin in the form of ointment or cream. It is helpful to repress the immunity system, support the skin peels, give relief to the pain and minimize the inflammation and excessive production of skin cells.

Light Therapy

In this way of cure, ultraviolet light is used in its natural and artificial mode. PUVA is a kind of treatment which is used with certain drugs to make the skin light sensitive.

Systematic Treatment

In case the condition is severe, the physician can give medicine or drugs in a systematic form. Antibiotic are not allowed to give such patient, unless and until the bacteria makes the condition worse.

Vitamin D Analogues

Calciprotine is kind of vitamin D which is used as a solution or ointment. It works by slowing the process of growth of skin cells. As compare to steroid this method is suitable for long term use.

Combination Therapy

It is the combination of systematic topical and light therapies. The patient is given a light dose and this combination mostly gives better result. People, who have mild signs of infection, get the first Psoriasis Treatment in the form of topical therapy. Foams, sprays, solutions, medicated creams and ointment are used on the skin to get better result in a short time span. There are different approaches related to this treatment


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